Priorities for today's lab time:
1. Type, peer edit, format, print and hand in "Persuasive Writing in Context" assignment (see "Assignment Submission Template" in the blog archive, February). Due Friday, April 16. Hand in if complete.
2. Review "Literature Circle Novel Study Choices" posted below. Follow directions for bidding for a novel of your choice. You will be required to read TWO novels by May 3, 2010, so don't worry if you don't get your preferred novel as your first read.
3. Complete Bonus Assignment, due April 29, 2010. Be sure to type, peer edit, format, print and hand in ALL THREE assignments to recieve a bonus grade. Do your best work to ensure the greatest possible increase in your course average. Reveiw assignment details from class handouts, or by using the links to the right. CAUTION: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.
4. See Miss Rider for your approved novel choice, check out your assigned lit circle novel from the library, and pick up a copy of your first assignment from Miss Rider. Assignment due April 26, 2010.
Questions? Email